Logical calculations

Returns `TRUE` if all of the provided arguments are logically true
([Effort] < 2) AND ([Effort] > 0)
Returns a value when the first condition is met.
CASE WHEN [Status] == 'In Dev' THEN 'In Progress' WHEN [Status] == 'In Testing' THEN 'In Progress' ELSE 'Done'
Returns `TRUE` if expression contains the defined text, and `FALSE` otherwise
CONTAINS([Owner], 'Oleg')
Returns `TRUE` if expressions are equal, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Price] == 200
Returns `TRUE` if left is strictly greater than right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] > 2
Returns `TRUE` if left than or equal to the right value, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] >= 2
Returns expression 1 if a logical expression is `TRUE`, and expression 2 if it is `FALSE`
IF('Oleg' != [Owner], [Effort] + 10, [Effort] + 5)
Replaces `NULL` with the specified default value
IFNONE([Owner], 'No Owner')
Returns `FALSE` if expression is null or undefined, and `TRUE` otherwise.
Returns `TRUE` if expression is null or undefined, and `FALSE` otherwise
Returns `TRUE` if left is strictly less than right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] < 2
Returns `TRUE` if left is less than or equal to the right, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Effort] <= 2
Returns `TRUE` if expression matches the defined pattern, and `FALSE` otherwise
LIKE([Owner], 'Ol%g')
Returns `TRUE` if the provided argument is logically false
NOT([Effort] == 0)
Returns `TRUE` if expressions are not equal, and `FALSE` otherwise
[Price] != 200
Returns `TRUE` if any of the provided arguments are logically true
([Effort] < 2) OR ([Effort] == 5)